Global Investor Program


On January 1 this year, the Economic Development Board of Singapore released the adjusted Global Investor Programme (GIP), and announced that it would be formally implemented from 1 March 2020.


The adjusted scheme sets higher barriers to entry for people who would like to apply Singapore Permanent Residence status (PR) via GIP, and also adds new categories of applicant’s profiles and investment options.


The purpose of this article is to present the key information in the adjusted scheme, which is extracted from the official website of the Economic Development Board of Singapore.

  1. 全球商业投资者计划(GIP)申请资格

Qualifying Criteria for the Global Investor Programme


Compared to the previous scheme, the adjusted scheme increases the annual turnover requirements of companies run by “Established Business Owners” from S$50 million to S$200m. At the same time, the adjusted scheme has added new categories of applicant’s profiles, namely, “Next Generation Business Owners”, “Founders of Fast Growth Companies” and “Family Office Principals”. It also adds a new investment option of investing in a new or existing “Singapore-based single family office”. These adjustments will diversify the channels of obtaining PR via GIP.


The requirements to be met by the applicants are shown in the following table:


Assessment Criteria for Investment Options


No matter what kind of investment option is adopted, the requirement for the amount of investment to be made is S$2.5 million. Each investment option also requires the applicant to submit a detailed five-year business plan. Details are as follows:

3. 全球商业投资计划的审批流程

Steps for Processing GIP Applications


It will take approximately 9-12 months for a GIP Application to be processed. If there are missing documents, the processing time will be longer. Main applicant’s spouse and unmarried children below the age of 21 are eligible to be included as dependents under the same GIP application. Main applicant’s parents and unmarried children above the age of 21 years are not eligible to be included as dependents under the same GIP application. They may apply for a Long Term Visit Pass (LTVP) instead. The steps for processing GIP applications are as follows:

4. 新加坡永久居民身份的续签评估标准

Renewal Criteria for the Singapore Permanent Residence Status


Upon successfully obtaining the PR status and after the first 5 years, your PR status can be renewed upon meeting the following conditions:

5. 申请人企业所允许的行业

Types of Industries Allowed for Applicants’ Companies


The companies used by the business owner applicant to apply for GIP must be engaged in one or more industries in the following list. Companies in other industries do not meet the application requirements.


If you would like to know about the Global Investor Programme or would like to find out other ways to obtaining PR status in Singapore, please feel free to contact us. Our team of specialists will dedicate our expertise to assist you.